So if this happens, what does the insurance plan to do? I’m pretty sure the car won’t be drivable anymore
TucsonTalker3 said:
So if this happens, what does the insurance plan to do? I’m pretty sure the car won’t be drivable anymore
It really depends on the type of coverage you have! I used to work in insurance, and this would probably be covered under comprehensive coverage (which covers theft, fire, vandalism, wildlife damage, etc.). Whether the car is repairable or written off will depend on what the insurance adjuster decides though, so I can’t really say for sure.
TucsonTalker3 said:
So if this happens, what does the insurance plan to do? I’m pretty sure the car won’t be drivable anymore
It can vary a lot depending on the insurance provider and where you live, but in most cases, this would fall under comprehensive if you make a claim. Just keep in mind, your car might be blacklisted from normal insurance after this, and you could end up with higher-risk policies for years.
I had a similar situation, tried to file a claim after an attempt, but they didn’t classify it as theft since the car had a security feature. They put it under vandalism instead. Does that mean my insurance rates are going up?
TucsonTalker3 said:
So if this happens, what does the insurance plan to do? I’m pretty sure the car won’t be drivable anymore
Mine was found after about three weeks. It had been towed by a private company because it was parked illegally. Turns out it had been stolen, so the police impounded it. My insurance had it towed to a repair shop, and after some damage assessments, they decided it was repairable. They didn’t total it, surprisingly. I also found out there was meth in the car, which was a whole other issue, and that made the repairs cost more, so they totaled the car in the end.
Are you serious? This has been going on for a while now. Ever heard of the Kia Boys?
That’s a real surprise
This is mainly an issue with older Kias and Hyundais, but you can replace your ignition with a Ghost Key. It’ll save you the cost of a new ignition and keep the car from being stolen in the future.
Amelia said:
This is mainly an issue with older Kias and Hyundais, but you can replace your ignition with a Ghost Key. It’ll save you the cost of a new ignition and keep the car from being stolen in the future.
I’m looking into this now!
First time, huh? Welcome to the club. We meet on Thursdays. Make sure to file a claim before the 11th.
Gerald said:
First time, huh? Welcome to the club. We meet on Thursdays. Make sure to file a claim before the 11th.
Are Kia owners allowed in the club meetings? I got hit in November 2021. Also, happy cake day!
Thanks! Yes, Kia owners are welcome.
Gerald said:
First time, huh? Welcome to the club. We meet on Thursdays. Make sure to file a claim before the 11th.
I’m getting on it ASAP.
How long have you had the car?
Austin said:
How long have you had the car?
Just a little over a year.
Austin said:
How long have you had the car?
Just a little over a year.
Did you Google the car before buying it? Ask around? The Kia Boys have been around for years.
I feel for you. My 2016 Sonata was stolen twice in 5 months, after having no issues for 4 years. I’m planning to trade it in once I get it back from the shop. Honestly, I almost wish they’d just totaled it instead of fixing it.
That’s the same model I have. I’m definitely getting rid of it and getting something else.
Didn’t you get the update?