Ouch, that could get pricey. Try going through your insurance if possible.
Looks like it’s about $1000 for a headlight on eBay. What’s your insurance deductible?
MYLES said:
Looks like it’s about $1000 for a headlight on eBay. What’s your insurance deductible?
No way those headlights are on eBay already
MYLES said:
Looks like it’s about $1000 for a headlight on eBay. What’s your insurance deductible?
No way those headlights are on eBay already
Check it out. Hyundai has to make extras for repairs.
Yeah, you’ll need insurance. Headlights have gotten super expensive.
Let us know how it goes or what your insurance says. I’m curious.
Hope you grabbed that plywood! Might be worth enough to cover your repair bill .
At least it didn’t smash through your windshield and hit you. Those things can be dangerous for motorcyclists. Sorry about the repair cost, man.
Those lights are wrecked.
If you’re planning on keeping the car for a while, just drive it as it is. It works fine, and you save the cash. If you’re leasing it, then yeah, go through insurance.
But why though?
It might take about 6 months to get that sorted. What a hassle.
Seriously, try insurance!
Scary stuff. Is that a new Santa Fe? I can’t even tell headlights apart these days .
Remember when headlights were $30 and they all looked the same? Good times.
Come on, just take a closer look, don’t be shy.
I saw some headlight replacements on eBay for around $300. Not sure if it fits your model year though. Here’s the link if you’re interested.