It really doesn’t matter Still gives the same annoying alerts that just get in the way Every time it’s alarms alarms
Sadie said:
It really doesn’t matter Still gives the same annoying alerts that just get in the way Every time it’s alarms alarms
You got it Just puts it in different words
Sadie said:
It really doesn’t matter Still gives the same annoying alerts that just get in the way Every time it’s alarms alarms
You got it Just puts it in different words
That’s right It still alerts for being blocked and other problems preventing it from working This setting does not turn off during smart cruise control From what I remember, it’s always on when the car can use emergency braking like it says in the owner’s manual
Good to know No matter how I disabled it, my smart cruise control kept working
I gave it a try, and it didn’t change anything
From what I’ve seen before, I think it will turn back on the next time you start your car
Is it still off for you? Maybe there’s been a new update
Flippa said:
From what I’ve seen before, I think it will turn back on the next time you start your car
Is it still off for you? Maybe there’s been a new update
It’s been off for multiple starts, but I’ve noticed there are two alerts that do the same thing So even when it’s off, the other alert comes on I haven’t figured out how to turn that one off One is the forward-looking alert and the other is the eye alert Same issue, just different wording
Oh sweet Progress
I’m definitely flipping that switch
Adjust your habits You clearly have some bad ones My eye warning has only gone off maybe 4 times in the three weeks I’ve had my Kona with the same feature
HyundaiWhiz said:
Adjust your habits You clearly have some bad ones My eye warning has only gone off maybe 4 times in the three weeks I’ve had my Kona with the same feature
A lot of glasses block infrared light which can trigger the warning Sunglasses or clear lenses, polarized or not Can cause issues with smart cruise control for many people
That’s not an issue I have I’ve got a variety of coatings on my glasses, and they are transition lenses that darken in the sun
HyundaiWhiz said:
Adjust your habits You clearly have some bad ones My eye warning has only gone off maybe 4 times in the three weeks I’ve had my Kona with the same feature
Sorry to hear that you drive a Kona
Why is that Because it’s not a Santa Fe I don’t need a 7 seat SUV Honestly, I don’t even need 5 seats most of the time