Trouble with 2025 Hyundai Santa Fe Hybrid grille and bumper

What is happening here How did this get so messed up

Luna said:
What is happening here How did this get so messed up

Definitely parked by windows His car got melted

oliviamartin said:

Luna said:
What is happening here How did this get so messed up

Definitely parked by windows His car got melted

Every business is all windows

Do you park near windows It looks like some other posts I’ve seen about the sun melting plastic on cars

Amanda said:
Do you park near windows It looks like some other posts I’ve seen about the sun melting plastic on cars

Not sure why you got downvoted, that looks exactly like it Even looks like the path the sun would take

This is definitely melted plastic There was probably some kind of reflection or a fire nearby OP’s car was too close to it I doubt it would have stopped if it was in the engine area or we would see more evidence in the hood

Amanda said:
Do you park near windows It looks like some other posts I’ve seen about the sun melting plastic on cars

And color black attracts heat

That won’t buff out

This isn’t covered by warranty since it’s from outside sources You’ll have to pay for it or call your insurance

There’s no way this left the dealer like this It’s showing a code Nobody would drive away like that

Not a manufacturing issue The damage is from impact or maybe the reflection from windows The lower right front looks like someone might have had their exhaust against it but typically exhaust is on the opposite side, so that might not be it There are plenty of things that could produce that much heat

Come on, OP what’s the full story

This is weird You can see how the bumper and grille plastic is all messed up and melted

Was there a heat source nearby Very strange if it wasn’t noticed at the factory If this is at a dealership it’s surprising no one caught it when they took it off the truck

Is that the top of the hood Is the paint peeling off

Looks like the sun focused on your car and melted things It’s really unfortunate sorry about this

Did you follow too closely behind some fancy motorcycle

Your car is melting This could be a fire risk

Did you get any paint protection film done recently It looks like there’s a film on some areas and it might have been a poor job where they overheated it

I’d take that back to the dealership and ask them for a replacement

Sadie said:
I’d take that back to the dealership and ask them for a replacement

Sure they will replace it as long as you or your insurance pays for it

gradygarth said:

Sadie said:
I’d take that back to the dealership and ask them for a replacement

Sure they will replace it as long as you or your insurance pays for it

Warranty You should hold them to it