I’ve been reading about inverter coolants and I’m a bit confused. What exactly is inverter coolant, and why is it important? I’ve heard it’s used in electric vehicles, but I’m not sure how to check its level or if it needs regular maintenance.
Any insights on what inverter coolant does and how to take care of it would be super helpful!
Inverter coolant helps keep your electric vehicle’s electronics cool. Just check the reservoir under the hood to make sure it’s filled to the right level. Your car’s manual should have more details if you need them.
If I “recall”, there is a software update to address this matter. This is assuming, of course, that your inverter coolant is indeed at a proper level. It’s easy to make a visual observation since it is either green or blue in color.
Make sure the engine and inverter are cold before checking the coolant in reservoirs A and B. Add coolant if it’s below the minimum level. If you need to refill often, have a Nissan dealer or mechanic look at it.
Thanks for the quick responses; I might be overthinking it. I just need to become more familiar with the car and understand the issues related to EVs compared to ICE vehicles.
I’m quite surprised that Hyundai’s customer service didn’t provide this information when I called, given that they should have all the details as the manufacturer.