AAA still covers Hyundai, but companies like Progressive and State Farm might not depending on the model and whether it has push-button start. My mom had a 2016 Sonata, but State Farm refused to renew her plan because they considered it too risky. She switched to a 2019 CRV and had no issues with renewal.
The rates are crazy. Everywhere I’ve checked is over $1,000 for six months, and I have no tickets, no accidents, and good credit.
NexoNomad said:
The rates are crazy. Everywhere I’ve checked is over $1,000 for six months, and I have no tickets, no accidents, and good credit.
That’s rough. You’d think having a clean record would help more.
Progressive still insures as long as the car has push-button start.
I have a 2020 Elantra, and Geico renewed my policy without any issues.