I have a 2016 White Sonata Sport, and about 90% of the paint is peeling. I took it to my local dealer, and they submitted a request for a full repaint due to how severe it is. Today, I got a call that Hyundai initially offered to cover 60% of the repaint cost, and after the service rep resubmitted the request, they increased it to 75%. The initial quote is $4,500, and I was told my portion would be $1,700. I have 21 days before the offer expires.
I have a few questions:
- How is $1,700 only 25% of $4,500? (Does this include labor at $575?)
- Why isn’t the paint fully covered since Hyundai had issues with bad batches of paint?
- Does this back-and-forth between the service rep and Hyundai sound legitimate, or is it just a sales tactic?
If anyone has experience with a similar situation, I’d really appreciate your insights. This is in central Florida, if that makes a difference.
Thanks in advance!