Discoloration on my 2024 Kona limited seat

Bad jeans… on the bright side, at least you have room to add a sack print.

I’ve faced this too, and Chemical Guys makes a product that completely helped me. Surprisingly, baby wipes have worked before too.

Double cheeked up here.

This is why we always say to wash blue jeans before first wear. I’d try a leather wipe or an alcohol wipe… it’ll be tough, but it’s doable. Always check with the manufacturer about what products work on the material.

This is outside influence, and it’s clear what’s causing the discoloration. Warranty won’t cover this!

Looks like the Turin shroud.

Your jeans are fading into your seat.

I got light grey leather seat covers for my Tucson to prevent this… they match almost perfectly and so far they look good.

Well, we can tell it wasn’t a guy. Not enough man spread here.

Soap and water, scrub it, or try Simple Green. That’s from dark colored pants like jeans.

I knew what the comments would look like before I even opened the forum.

This happens frequently with the white interiors of Teslas. Use baby wipes to clean it. Just make sure they’re non-fragrance, no dyes, and no parabens, etc.

All that dye is on your skin too. Don’t buy cheap jeans, even if they are Levi. Spend at least $100 for good jeans.

New blue jeans? It’s not the car’s fault your pants aren’t stain-resistant.

The dye comes from your jeans.

Awesome, I have some of their products. I’ll try that.

That’s a sexy print. Please tell me you’re a woman.

Blue Jean babyyyy.

Well, my wife doesn’t wear jeans. The photos don’t show it well, but she’s also wearing through the upper part of the seat side, which makes me think it’s not her clothes. We’ve tried everything wipe-wise.

It’s staining from the fabric. Check your contract for any third-party interior protection they might have added. They might re-dye the seats for you.