How can I remove scratches from black door frame paint?

Hey guys,
I found a small scratch on the smooth black paint of the door’s window frame. I think it happened when the Pop-A-Lock person was here. Can I fix this? The usual ways like using polish don’t seem right because I don’t want it to look shiny. Luckily, the scratch doesn’t seem too deep.

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Sure, you can try using a touch-up paint pen specifically matched to your Hyundai’s paint code. Clean the area thoroughly before applying, and be patient with the process. If the scratch is shallow, this method should help blend it in without creating a shiny finish.

I feel your pain, Scratches on a black car, especially on the door frame, are super noticeable. But don’t despair, there are ways to fix them, depending on the severity of the scratch. Here’s what you can try:

Minor Scratches: Buffing and Polishing

Assess the Damage: For minor scratches that don’t catch your fingernail, you might be able to buff and polish them out. This works by gently removing a thin layer of clear coat along with the scratch.
Gather Your Supplies: You’ll need a microfiber cloth, polishing compound, and finishing polish.
Buff and Polish with Care: Apply a small amount of polishing compound to the microfiber cloth and buff the scratch in a circular motion. Be gentle and don’t apply too much pressure. Once the scratch is gone, use finishing polish to restore shine.

Moderate Scratches: Touch-Up Paint

Slightly Deeper Scratches: If the scratch catches your fingernail but doesn’t expose bare metal, touch-up paint can be a good option.
Matching the Paint Color: This is crucial! Consult your car’s manual or contact the dealership to get the exact paint code for your car’s black shade. There are slight variations in black paint, and mismatched touch-up paint will be very obvious.
Apply Carefully: Follow the instructions on the touch-up paint kit. It will likely involve cleaning the area, applying a small amount of paint, and then buffing it to a smooth finish. Take your time and apply multiple thin coats instead of one thick glob.

Deep Scratches: Professional Help

Deep Reaches: For scratches that gouge through the clear coat and into the base paint, or even expose metal, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. Body shops can fix these scratches by sanding, priming, repainting, and then clear-coating the area.
The Importance of Professionals: DIY fixes might not fully address deep scratches and could even make them worse. Professionals have the tools, experience, and paint-matching expertise to get the job done right, making the scratch disappear seamlessly.

Here are some additional tips:

Always work in a shaded area and out of direct sunlight.
Wash and dry the area thoroughly before attempting any fixes.
Start with the least abrasive method (buffing and polishing) and move on to more aggressive options only if necessary.

By following these steps and choosing the right approach for the severity of the scratch, you can get those black door frame paint scratches looking as good as new.

Since polish might make it shine more, you can use a scratch removal pen. These pens are designed to fill in scratches and blend well, especially on black cars. Look for one specifically for black paint. You can also use a touch-up paint. For slightly deeper scratches, a careful application of touch-up paint might do the trick. Be warned, black touch-up paint can be tricky, so test it in a hidden spot first.

The window frame should be a fairly easy fix since it’s a flat surface. Just remember to be gentle and take your time!