Hyundai Battery Discharge warning

I recently purchased a new Hyundai Venue (Essential - base model), marking my first ownership of a Hyundai vehicle. I’ve noticed that whenever I park, turn off the engine, and switch the car to accessory mode (for activities like listening to music, relaxing, or waiting for someone), a message appears stating: “Battery Discharge Warning. Please use the system after starting the vehicle.” This message doesn’t typically appear in the other cars I’ve driven. Should I be concerned about a potential issue with my battery, or is this a normal occurrence? I usually only keep the car in accessory mode for about 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Appreciate any insights!

Congrats on the ride. Just FYI that battery discharge warning popping up when you chill in accessory mode is a Hyundai thing especially in base models. 10-15 minutes is totally fine but for longer hangs you might wanna shut everything down or even pop the engine on for a quick recharge.

No need to stress, but here’s the deal: When your car’s engine is turned off and you’re using the radio or other stuff like that, it’s using up your battery power. If you keep doing this for a long time, your battery will run out of juice, and then you won’t be able to start your car.

When you buy a “brand new” car, sometimes the battery is really low because it’s been sitting at the dealership for a while.
So, it’s best not to sit in your car with the engine off and listen to the radio for the first week or two.

Instead, you can drive around to help charge the battery fully. Or, if you have one, you can use a battery charger to make sure it’s completely charged up before using it for other accessories.
Would love to know how how this works out for you :slightly_smiling_face: