Someone hit my 2022 Tucson while parked by a semi truck. I wasn’t in it but I’m so upset… Do you think it’ll be a total loss?
Congrats on your new car.
Also have you tried turning it on and off again?
Ouchy They total over the smallest amount of damage nowadays, but I guess it depends on frame damage or what’s causing the steering wheel to be off so badly. Glad you’re okay!
My 2024 Tucson limited with 5k miles had a similar hit although it didn’t get to the wheels or the side doors
20k of repairs (in SF) but not total loss.
evanderjay said:
My 2024 Tucson limited with 5k mileshad a similar hit although it didn’t get to the wheels or the side doors
20k of repairs (in SF) but not total loss.
Wow it’s crazy how the damage adds up. Really wanted to keep this vehicle for the long term but it also sucks having a huge claim on the car fax too
Yeah I was hoping it would be a total loss. Driver in a stolen car with no insurance so no diminished value claim either. Really sucks.
evanderjay said:
Yeah I was hoping it would be a total loss. Driver in a stolen car with no insurance so no diminished value claim either. Really sucks.
That’s terrible
Pssssh it’ll buff out.
If that’s the only damage… maybe not. New door, quarter panel and rear hatch. It looks like a base model, so it’ll be close.
I hit a deer early this year with mine and they fixed mine, so you never know!
Just went through this with my 2023 limited. I was rear ended and my steering wheel was crooked and it was a total loss. It really sucks you lose soooo much money in a total loss even if you have gap insurance (which luckily I did).
I’m so sorry this happened to you!
What do you mean even if you had gap insurance? Is it not supposed to make up for the difference in value?
I feel your pain. I had a 22 that I had for 5 months and a lady, not paying attention, texting, plowed into the back of me…totaled.