Whats your experience with hyundai anti theft sticker

Do you think those stickers you receive after a software update could potentially make your car more of a target for theft? I can’t help but feel sorry for the individual who shared about their car being stolen shortly after getting the update.

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Sounds like you might be mixing things up. The sticker is separate from any software updates or error codes. Those codes would be for internal car diagnostics, not something advertised on a sticker.

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Hyundai anti-theft stickers are typically provided by Hyundai to act as a deterrent against potential thieves. These stickers are often placed on windows or other visible areas of the vehicle to indicate that it is equipped with an anti-theft system. While the effectiveness of such stickers in preventing theft may vary, they serve as a visual reminder to potential thieves that the vehicle is protected.

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First, I need to ask if people think criminals can or want to read.

Second, I don’t care who made the car or if it has an anti-theft device. If someone wants it, they can steal it, even if it’s in a garage. Most garage doors are easy to open from the outside, even with an opener. That’s why my garage doors have sensors that beep twice when opened, to make it harder to break in.

But to see if the new safety features actually solved the problem they were meant to, we need to find the car and get it back. I hope it’s returned undamaged.