Am I expecting too much? Noticed a small cut in the wheel after picking up my car. Texted the salesman and he said warranty will cover it. Should I even bother?

You paid a lot for this car, you deserve to get it in perfect condition. Especially when the warranty is there to fix things.

PeterJames4 said:
You paid a lot for this car, you deserve to get it in perfect condition. Especially when the warranty is there to fix things.

Work order is created, fingers crossed everything works out.

That small cut will probably get bigger over time with use. You’re not over-expecting, you just want your car back in the same condition you bought it in. Have them fix it before it gets worse.

Unclewaffl3s said:
That small cut will probably get bigger over time with use. You’re not over-expecting, you just want your car back in the same condition you bought it in. Have them fix it before it gets worse.

That’s what I was worried about, it’s probably going to grow as I keep driving.

It’ll get worse as it gets stressed. The material will dry out and make the cut worse. You made the right call asking them to fix it.

If it was somewhere you don’t often see, like the back of a seat, it might be okay. But since it’s on the steering wheel, you’ll notice it every time you drive. It would annoy me, so I would definitely get it fixed under the warranty.

I usually consider if the damage will get worse before deciding if I should get something fixed. This cut is in a bad spot and you’ll see it all the time. I think it’ll bug you, so it’s better to get it replaced.

Yes, you should definitely bother and get that fixed.

I have a 2008 Santa Fe with some damage, and people get so picky about their new cars. But this small cut will only get worse, so get it fixed while it’s under warranty.

Patrick said:
I have a 2008 Santa Fe with some damage, and people get so picky about their new cars. But this small cut will only get worse, so get it fixed while it’s under warranty.

I just left the dealership and ordered a new wheel. They’ll replace it when it arrives.

You should also check your driver seat cover, as there have been reports of faulty installation that should be covered under warranty.

Once you notice something like that, it’ll always bug you. Get it swapped.

I had a small dent on my glovebox and pointed it out right away. They offered to fix it, and I made sure they’d replace the glovebox if it couldn’t be fixed. Have them fix your wheel.

Jacob said:
I had a small dent on my glovebox and pointed it out right away. They offered to fix it, and I made sure they’d replace the glovebox if it couldn’t be fixed. Have them fix your wheel.

Just left the dealership, waiting on a new wheel.

That would really bug me too, especially since you’re spending your hard-earned money on it.

Yes, get it fixed.

Yes, definitely.

That’s just going to get worse with time. Get it fixed.

What year is your car? This happened with our 2024 Santa Fe too, less than 3 months after getting it.